What is SAMS?
Every year, around 400 licence managers and IT buyers from the entire DACH region meet in Berlin to highlight and discuss the impact of the latest technological and organisational trends and developments on SAM.
In interactive formats such as case studies, open round tables and challenge-your-peers sessions, approaches to managing current topics such as cloud migration, open source software, machine learning and DevOps were actively discussed and many new insights were exchanged between the participants. Due to the adapted guidelines for events, the hybrid event was able to take place primarily in person again this year.
Intero Consulting was able to use the format to engage in intensive dialogue with the specialist audience, meet up with many familiar business partners and make new contacts in the purchasing and licence management environment. We were also able to gain exciting insights into the current situation of other SAM organisational units in companies across all sectors and the problems they are currently facing.
Challenge Your Peers
Intero Consulting moderated a Challenge Your Peers session on the topic of "SaaS transformation - how does the frequently chanted goal of 'SaaS first' influence cost development and the agile further development of procurement and software asset management?"
During the session, we were able to discuss the current challenges in the context of SaaS transformation with numerous interested companies from various industries and provide insights from our day-to-day project work. The main focus was on the role of the changed requirements planning process and vendor communication in SaaS transformation projects, as well as the opportunities for procurement to use agile methods and principles to influence demand alignment and cost optimisation. The discussion was rounded off with the general question of how the SaaS transformation will affect the SAM organisation of the future.